New business with hyper-local greens

In an exciting cooperation, Ikano Bank and tech-based urban farming company Swegreen are enabling sustainable food production in an urban environment.

From seed to plant

Swegreen is the Agricultural Technology (AgTech) company behind the world’s first automated in-store farming unit, placed at the grocery store ICA Focus in Gothenburg, Sweden.

By combining modern computer science with engineering technology and agricultural expertise, Swegreen enables the store to offer their customers hyper-locally produced vegetables and herbs, from planted seed to fully grown plant – all on site in the store.

  1. Zero pesticides
  2. Zero transport emissions
  3. More nutrition

Ikano Bank finances, Swegreen delivers

Through a leasing offer, Ikano Bank gives Swegreen customers a chance to finance this subscription-based farming service. The model is called Farming-as-a-Service (FaaS), and it enables the production of high-quality, locally grown herbs and leafy greens on site, supported by AI (Artificial Intelligence).

“Doing business that is good for the environment fills me with a purpose. We are not just a bank; we help finance the solutions that give us hope for a more sustainable future.”

Erik Fornander Key Account Manager Leasing & Factoring at Ikano Bank.

Swegreen leads the global development of sustainable food production in the urban environment, and Ikano Bank is now taking an active part in bringing this exciting way of sustainable food production to the many people.

Head over to our businesses to find out more about Ikano Bank.

100% taste, no waste!