Data analytics

Ikano Insight has a rich heritage in retail analytics, and with over 15 years working with IKEA, a world leader in business sustainability improvement, Ikano Insight is now a market leading expert in sustainability data management and analytics.

Our ESG Optimiser is an end-to-end data and analytics solution, powered by IBM Envizi technology, and enhanced with Ikano Insight advanced analytics and a full implementation and support service.

We are focused on enabling all businesses in every sector to achieve their sustainability ambitions as efficiently as possible. Helping businesses capture, consolidate and analyse their ESG data, we enable automated reporting, full compliance and faster achievement of sustainability goals and performance.

Our retail analytics continue to thrive, leveraging location analytics for Scope 3 emissions calculation in sustainability, as well as identifying market share growth opportunities to help retailers address the challenges of delivering growth within a sustainable business strategy.

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2023 at a glance

No. of co-workers: 24
Our markets: UK, Sweden, Singapore, Mexico, Philippines, Malaysia, Germany, Austria, Poland, Norway, Denmark, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Greece, Netherlands.

The year in brief

  • ESG Optimiser. Our ESG Optimiser proposition has grown based on our data analytics strengths, to a full end-to-end ESG data and reporting solution, powered by IBM Envizi technology. We have implemented the ESG Optimiser platform for Group and are now in the process of implementing detailed ESG data for all the Ikano businesses.
  • Growing ESG services. The development of our ESG proposition is ongoing and we are now offering and delivering CSRD advisory services as well as scoping services to support businesses to understand the legislative, data and reporting needs, as well as supporting with education and training.
  • CO2 Mobility Optimiser. We harnessed our geo-location data and advanced analytics expertise to bring a new perspective to ESG. We developed innovative ways to help scope mobility and measure CO2 emissions from customers and co-workers travelling to the stores, driving a new KPI solution for Ingka Group, with a proof of concept in 4 market locations.
  • IKEA Batu Kawan. Our focus on using advanced analytics to deliver ROI for Ikano Retail continued. A use case project was delivered for IKEA Batu Kawan, where we analysed over 600 neighbourhoods across Malaysia to identify the customer value opportunity to drive their growth agenda.
  • Ikano Bank.
  • We continue to deepen our relationships and broaden our engagement with the many teams of Ikano Bank. We are supporting the cross-functional customer data strategy and continue to develop the commercial and customer profiling dashboards, which now hold over 158.6 million rows of Excel data. We also continue working on ongoing analytical and strategic projects, including a new customer value segmentation for the B2B team, where we have already analysed 60,000 agreements. 
  • Wellbeing tool. As part of our ESG proposition, our ambition is to continue developing solutions to help inform business decisions and policies by surfacing insights on co-worker mental and physical health, which is why we have developed our Wellbeing Tool. Being a good business to co-workers, is good business, as it promotes productivity, employee satisfaction and mitigates turnover and this product supports these efforts. So far in this development we have analysed 60,000 employee contracts, 40,000 absences and 625,000 unique health claims.
  • New relationships were opened with Location Optimiser. Geo-location analytics continued to deliver visitation behaviour insights to our retail partners, including Ikano Centres, IKEA Greece/Housemarket, and Frosts Garden Centre.
  • IWAY analysis. Insights were surfaced for Inter IKEA around what makes suppliers compliant and non-compliant to IWAY (the IKEA supplier code of conduct), performing correlation analysis on over 10 years’ worth of data.
  • Charity 2023. We partnered with our first Malaysia-based charity, The Lost Food Project, in a collaboration to tackle food waste and climate change in the region. 452,265 meals were rescued and redistributed to low-income communities through our donation and social day volunteering, preventing around 395,732kg of GHG being emitted.
  • Social Days. 2023 saw a 37 percent increase in the number of co-workers using their social days, and we look to keep that momentum going in 2024!
Over 17,000 ESG activities will be analysed by our ESG Optimiser
unique health claims
analysed in our
Wellbeing Tool
452,265 meals redistributed to low-income families
through charity donation and volunteering
Over 600 neighbourhoods analysed across Malaysia