Turning raw data into informed actions to transform Ikano Bank

André joined Ikano Bank in 2020 as a Product Owner in Data & Analytics after spending 9 years as a Business Intelligence consultant. Having worked mainly for the public sector, he was looking forward to a long-term commitment, supporting the digital transformation of the Bank to strengthen our commercial relevance and efficiency – building a bank for the future.

As André started his journey with us during the pandemic, he was amazed to see how fast we adapted our ways of working to the new circumstances. André has since been on an exciting journey modernising the Bank’s analytics software and our approach to working with data and analytics. Transforming a bank comes with many challenges and opportunities – using data to make informed decisions supports us in prioritising and moving in the right direction.

“We all need to change to stay relevant and even though it is sometimes difficult, I try to embrace change. I’m also really happy about my team delivering a lot of value to the organisation. We have a lot of data in the Bank and by making more sense of it we can be more efficient and make better decisions.”

André was accredited as a “Qlik Luminary” in 2023 and 2024, recognising him as a data expert who is driving measurable impacts from data – turning raw data into informed actions supporting business transformation.

Visualising data to identify patterns

When data is presented visually through interactive dashboards or other presentations, it becomes much easier to understand complex concepts and detect important trends. Instead of drowning in spreadsheets and numbers, our decision-makers can quickly identify patterns, deviations, and correlations that might otherwise remain hidden. André is convinced that visualised data contributes to a culture of data-driven decision-making. When employees have access to clear, actionable insights, they are more likely to incorporate data into their day-to-day activities.

The visualisation of data is just one piece of the data and analytics puzzle though: it is crucial to use high-quality data, as well as clear terms and definitions so our users understand what they are looking at and that we don’t compare apples to pears.

This is always a big challenge in organisations and André is passionate about tackling it every day.

“During my time at Ikano Bank, I feel that I have been given possibilities to grow and take on more responsibilities and that is for me extremely important. I’m also grateful that I’ve had very good managers putting their faith in me. I’m looking forward to what’s next on our journey as we continue to build a bank for the future!”

We all need to change to stay relevant and even though it is sometimes difficult, I try to embrace change.

André Berlin Product Owner in Data & Analytics